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Susan Murray 5 years today........... October 8, 2016
You are greatly missed everyday.
Everyday someone does something of yours.
You were truly one of a kind.

Love Suez 
Susan Murray HAPPY BIRTHDAY "DIG" March 9, 2014
Home is whenever I am with you.

Love Suez 
Susan Murray Mountaineer and Ice Park December 20, 2013
  Six years ago yesterday Doug and I's greatest moment from working together training horses happened. It was when our horse ICE PARK won at Mountaineer Racetrack (picture in gallery).
I have to say greatest moment for me in my life (besides my kids). The thing I remember the best about that day and when that horse crossed the finish line first was turning around from the rail to see Doug running towards me.
  You see we always separated when "Papa" was racing even if it was just a few feet apart. I preferred to be completely by myself, I was a nervous Owner then, I used the excuse "to focus". 
  This night I was up the apron on the rail about 30 feet from the wire. I also liked to "cheer" for my horses and I can get really loud doing that "the real excuse". So when "Papa" won and I turned and saw his face, got to him and hugged and kissed him. But at that moment there was no sound no people, no freezing weather, just us.
  I re-live that precious moment as many times as I can stand, to remind myself how precious life is and the things in it we hold dearest.

With everything I love,
Susan Murray First Meeting January 2, 2012
This month it will be fifteen years since JoAnn and I first met Doug. Doug and I have been together pretty much ever since. We were not the traditional couple and had a very unusual style to our relationship and how we lived our life. Doug led and I followed most of the time but I didnt mind, he always had something going on in that head of his. We traveled all over the country, raced our horses, fought for some great causes and been wrong fighting for other ones. Life dealt us some tough hands and we had to bluff our way through most of the time but convinced we were in complete control. I am fearless now (thanks to him and JoAnn) he would expect no less from me, I would hate him to think all his hard work and training he put into me was wasted. Careful what you teach it might just get learned.
Kay Warner Kay Warner January 2, 2012
These are glimpses of memories we keep in our hearts! We worked and played; argued and laughed; and genuinely loved life together, as a family! Our short time together changed each of us forever; thank-you for being you, touching each of our lives, finding a place in our hearts and being "PaPa" to Dallas and Taylor! You live in our hearts until we meet again...a special man Mr. Doug Hall!
(Reference to pictures in the main album taken in Nebraska 2009 & 2010)
Total Memórias: 5
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